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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Chair of Inorganic Active Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage - Prof. Bianchini

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Open positions

Bianchini group:

  • Postdoc position: no open position at the moment.
  • PhD position: I am looking for a new PhD student to work on cathode materials for Na-ion / Na-solid state batteries. Please find the detailed descripton here. Starting date October 2024.
  • Master thesis: I am looking for a student proficient in programming (python) and with basic knowledge of x-ray spectroscopy methods. The project deals with the improvement and implementation of open-source software used to aid the planning of x-ray absorption and diffraction experiments. The master thesis will be carried out in collaboration with the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble), so the students is expected to spend a 4-5 months (funded) in France. Contact me if you are interested.
  • Various Master / Research projects are available for the students of the Master courses "Battery Materials and Technology" and "Batterietechnik". If you are enrolled in these courses, please check in the eLearning platform.



Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Matteo Bianchini

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